Performance of the photoinjector accelerator for the Los Alamos free-electron laser

Autor: Richard L. Sheffield, L.M. Young, Donald W. Feldman, W.J. Johnson, William E. Stein, Patrick G. O'Shea, James W. Early, Bruce E. Carlsten, Alex H. Lumpkin, R.W. Springer, Steven C. Bender, R.B. Feldman
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference.
Popis: The Los Alamos free-electron laser (FEL) facility has been modified by the replacement of the thermionic electron gun and bunchers with a 1300-MHz RF photoinjector. Two more accelerator tanks have been added to increase the beam energy to 40 MeV. Preliminary studies at 15 MeV have demonstrated excellent beam quality with a normalized emittance of 40 pi mm-mrad. The beam quality is sufficient to allow harmonic lasing in the visible. FEL experiments have been begun at a wavelength near 3 mu m. A report is presented of the performance of the photoinjector accelerator. >
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