Metabolic Disorders in Long-Living Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

Autor: Svetlana Topolyanskaya, Tatyana A. Eliseeva, Natalya A. Balyasnikova, Anna I. Sanina, Olga N. Vakulenko, Leonid I. Dvoretski
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Background/Objective Very limited data are available on metabolic disorders in centenarians; therefore, we investigated these pathologies in long-living patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods The study enrolled 225 patients > 90 years, hospitalized with CAD diagnosis. The majority of patients (67.6%) were women. The mean age of patients was 92.5 ( + 2.2) years. Blood levels of uric acid, lipids, glucose and body mass index were determined. Results Obesity was registered in 31.5% of patients, but grade III obesity – in 1 patient. Overweight was found in 39.1% of patients, normal BMI – in 28.9%, and underweight – in 1 patient. Increase in the blood concentration of triglycerides was noted in 11.2% of patients. Decrease in the HDL cholesterol level was registered in 12.7% of patients. Blood concentration of LDL cholesterol < 2.0 mmol / l was observed in 23.3% of cases. Hyperuricemia was detected in 37.3% of patients – in 41.4% of women and 28.8% of men. Increase in the serum creatinine level was registered in 45% of patients. Only 16.5% of patients had glomerular filtration rate > 60 ml/min. Women had more frequent hyperuricemia, dyslipidemia and azotemia. Increase in fasting blood glucose level was found in 23.1% of patients, but only 0.9% of patients had glucose >14 mmol/l. Conclusions Study results indicate some clinical features of metabolic disorders in long-living patients with coronary artery disease. High proportion of patients with overweight or obesity was found. Frequent hyperuricemia but relatively low levels of atherogenic lipids and glucose were registered.
Databáze: OpenAIRE