An Architecture for Traffic Sign Management in Smart Cities

Autor: Everton R. Lira, Rafael Pasquini, Paulo R. S. L. Coelho, Luis F. Faina, Lasaro Camargos, Rodolfo da Silva Villaça, Enrique Fynn
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: AINA
Popis: This paper introduces and evaluates a Traffic Sign Management Architecture (TSMA), which represents a paradigm shift for the deployment of traffic sign infrastructure in the context of Intelligent Transport Systems, Vehicular Networks and Smart Cities. The proposal addresses limitations of the current traffic control model by enabling remote updates of traffic signs and displaying them on the vehicular navigation system display to improve their legibility. TSMA is an architecture developed to provide V2I interaction using a commodity technology, Wi-Fi, through the beacon-stuffing technique. The initial design of TSMA's security mechanisms is also presented in this paper. Evaluations were performed on a developed prototype and simulation environments.
Databáze: OpenAIRE