Gamification Mechanisms in Cyber Range and Cyber Security Training Environments

Autor: Evangelos Chaskos, Jason Diakoumakos, Nicholas Kolokotronis, George Lepouras
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Defending against cyber threats is an essential procedure for an organization, and professional training is an important factor for the prosperity of an organization against sophisticated and multi-vector cyber-attacks. The background knowledge is needed from the employee to face and prevent incidents, as well as a level of awareness and experience. Towards this training, cyber security training platforms can significantly raise the trainees' knowledge, perspective, and incident handling. However, gamification mechanisms are implemented and embedded in such systems as an educational procedure to increase the engagement of the trainees. In this chapter, a description of different platforms and their mapping with their corresponding gamification mechanisms will be presented, and the specific gamification elements resulting from this review that are commonly used across all platforms and can have a more significant impact on a fast and meaningful gamified learning procedure will be pointed out.
Databáze: OpenAIRE