Power Delay Profile Filtering Technique Using Artificial Neural Networks

Autor: Carlos Henrique Rodrigues Oliveira, Rogerio Moreira Lima Silva, Sandra Ferreira, Amanda Beatriz Cunha Dos Santos, Leni J. Matos, P. V. G. Castellanos, Jairon Viana Batista, Leonardo H. Gonsioroski
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: This paper presents an alternative technique for the filtering of the power delay profile in mobile radio channel using artificial neural networks for the identification and extraction of impulsive noise. The power delay profiles obtained from field measurements in the 700 MHz band, were subjected to two filtering techniques: the CFAR (Constant False Alarm Rate) filtering technique and the proposed technique using artificial neural networks. The neural technique demonstrated to be a good alternative with 91.38% of average accuracy and more satisfactory filtering than the CFAR for the identification of valid multipaths. The results show the characteristic of the ANN technique in identifying a greater number of multipaths. The results of the temporal dispersion parameters Mean Excess Delay and RMS Delay Spread achieved by the new technique presented satisfactory values when compared with the CFAR and with the values described in the ITU-R (International Union of Telecommunications) standard P.1411-9.
Databáze: OpenAIRE