ChemInform Abstract: New Mn2-Based Heusler Compounds

Autor: Ulrich Burkhardt, Guangcun Shan, J. F. Qian, Claudia Felser, Adel Kalache, Steffen Hausdorf, Guido Kreiner, Siham Ouardi, Vajiheh Alijani
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: ChemInform. 45
ISSN: 0931-7597
Popis: The new Heusler compounds Mn2RuGe and Mn2RhGa and the known compound Mn2RuSn are synthesized by inductive melting of the elements in alumina crucibles and characterized by powder XRD and DFT calculations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE