Study on Coordination Behaviour of Manganese Chloride with L-a-Histidine

Autor: Chen Sanping, Gao Sheng-li, Hu Rongzu, L. Huanyong, Shi Qi-zhen
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 75:795-805
ISSN: 1388-6150
Popis: The reaction thermodynamic and kinetic equations for the non-reversible reactions are established. The enthalpy change of formation reaction of manganese(II) histidine (His) complex in water has been determined by microcalorimetry, using manganese chloride with L-a-histidine at 298.15-323.15 K. The standard enthalpy of formation of Mn(His)22+(aq) has been calculated. On the basis of experimental and calculated results, three thermodynamics parameters (the activation enthalpy, the activation entropy and the activation free energy), the rate constants, along with three kinetic parameters (the apparent activation energies, the pre-exponential constant and the reaction order) are obtained. The results show that the reaction easily takes place over the studied temperature range. The solid complex Mn(His)2Cl2·4H2O was prepared and characterized by IR and TG-DTG.
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