278 Mortality patterns in a cohort of 70,000 workers with blood lead measurements

Autor: Chowdhury, K Steenland
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 70:A94.3-A95
ISSN: 1470-7926
Popis: Objectives To determine whether adult lead exposure is associated with cause-specific mortality in a cohort with measured blood leads Methods We studied 70,000 US adults from 11 states with blood lead levels measured between 1980–2005. Most were exposed occupationally. One-third had a single blood lead; the remainder had a median of 3 blood leads. Subjects were divided into four groups by highest blood lead (0–5, 6–24, 25–39, 40 + mg/dl; 16%, 33%, 34%, and 17% respectively. Results Analyses were restricted to males (96% of deaths). There was a strong healthy worker effect in this young cohort (SMR all causes 0.73, 3561 deaths, US referent). Most cause-specific SMRs were unremarkable. The male lung cancer SMR showed a trend of increase across lead categories (SMRs 0.49, 0.61, 0.80, 1.21, 394 deaths, test for trend p = 0.003). With the lowest lead category as referent in Poisson regression, lung RRs were 1.00, 1.27, 1.80, and 2.85 by increasing lead category (test for trend p = Conclusion We studied a large cohort with documented lead exposure. Results are not conclusive but suggest an association between lung cancer and lead exposure. Data are limited by a lack of work history, a limited blood leads per person, and relatively short latency.
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