Critical Current Density of Y-Ba-Cu-O Ceramics Prepared by the Coprecipitation Method and their Application to Superconducting Devices

Autor: Yukinori Kuwano, Teruhiko Ienaga, Yorinobu Yoshisato, Takaaki Ikemachi, Toshiaki Yokoo, Shoichi Nakano, Minoru Takai
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Advances in Superconductivity ISBN: 9784431680864
Popis: The effect of the grain boundary formed in the sintering process on characteristics of critical current density (Jc) was investigated. The experiments were performed using samples prepared with a coprecipitated Y-Ba-Cu-O compound at a sintering temperature of 920 °C for 3 ∽ 100 hrs in O2. Though the packing density and superconducting volume fractions of the sample increased with increasing sin-tering time, Jc had a maximum value at a sintering time of around 12 hrs. A maximum Jc of 540 A/cm2 was obtained at 77K in zero field. Moreover, it was found that the magnetic field dependence of Jc which is indicative of “Josephson weak-link current” changed clearly with the sintering time. The temperature denendence of Jc showed that the grain boundary having S-N-S junctions at the initial stage of the sintering process, turned into S-I-S junction during prolonged sintering. Using this Y-Ba-Cu-0 ceramics, granular superconducting devices for optical detection were examined.
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