Особенности почвенных агрегатов в условиях выделения эндогенного водорода

Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.24411/2226-7271-2018-11081
Popis: В центральных регионах Европейской России, примыкающих к глубинным разломам земной коры, обнаружено аномально высокое содержание водорода в почвенном слое. Известно, что в таких зонах происходят климатические и геофизические изменения, о состоянии же почв почти ничего не известно. Исследованы черноземы обыкновенные Воронежской области (повышенный поток Н2) и Ростовской (потоки Н2 на уровне фоновых). Показано существенное пространственное различие на агрегатном структурном уровне между почвами в условиях высокого потока Н2 флюидов и в отсутствии такового, а также различие характера связи прочности агрегатов с содержанием гумуса, что может быть результатом влияния молекулярного водорода.
Climate and geophysical changes are characteristic for areas of abnormally high hydrogen content in the soil layer; sometimes in the literature there are data on the effect of hydrogen flux on the biosphere and man, but almost nothing is known about the state of the soil. Meanwhile, in the central areas of European Russia adjacent to the deep faults of the Earth's crust, hydrogen content is on the rise. This makes these regions a good testing ground for studying the effect of hydrogen degassing on soil characteristics. The subject of our study is ordinary black earth soils (chernozem soils) from Voronezh Region (increased H2 flux) and Rostov Region (H2 fluxes are of background level). To measure the flow of molecular hydrogen, we used a Russian-made portable hydrogen analyzer. We evaluated the state of the aggregates by their mechanical strength (Sagr). This characteristic combines both physical properties of soil (particle size distribution, specific surface area, porosity) and chemical properties of the surface. The advantage of this method of studying the aggregates is that the determination is carried out with natural air-dry aggregates, without previous violating their integrity and with high repetition. We determined Sagr by direct mechanical crushing on Russian-made manometer under 35–40-fold repetition and expressed in units of force with subsequent conversion to Newtons. The advantage of this method is that it allows studying natural air-dry units without first violating their integrity; this method also provides high repetition. We examined two agronomic-valuable aggregate fractions (with an average diameter of 2–3 mm and 3–5 mm) carrying out statistical processing of our results using Statistica-6.0 program and determining the total organic matter content according to Ivan Tyurin. Under high value hydrogen fluids (Voronezh Region), changes in soils occur at the aggregate structural level with a pronounced trend of reducing the mechanical strength of the aggregates by a factor of 2-3 in the center of the crab hole compared to the control site. On the contrary, lacking intensive hydrogen degassing (Rostov Region), the aggregates in the center of crab hole were 3 times stronger than at its edges, moreover, their strength increased in proportion to the humus content. For soils with an increased flow of H2, there is a characteristic inverse relationship between the strength of aggregates and humus content, which may be the result of molecular hydrogen influence. We conclude that hydrogen degassing has a significant impact on soil state, and this requires monitoring and careful mapping of such zones in the interests of agriculture and system of land tenure.
Databáze: OpenAIRE