An Account of Tibet

Autor: Ippolito Desideri, Filippo de Filippi
Rok vydání: 2004
DOI: 10.4324/9780203307397
Popis: Volume One1. Departure from Rome and Journey to Lisbon2. Voyage from Lisbon to off the Cape of Good Hope3. Voyage to Mozabique and to Goa4. Journey from Goad to the city of Delly, Capital of the Mogol Empire5. Concerning the Churches and Christian Congregation of the Society of Jesus in Delly and some notable Christians living in that City.6. Residence in Agra and some Account of the Mission belonging to the Soceity of Jesus in that City7. Departure from Delly. Arrival and Residence at Kascimir8. Our Departure from Kascimir and Journey to Lhata, Capital of Second Thibet9. Of our Stay in Lhata, Capital of Second Thibet, and our arrival at Trescej-Khang10. Journey across the Great Desert of Ngnari-Giongar, and Assistance rendered by a Tartar Princess and her Followers11. Arrival at the first inhabited Place in Third and Greatest Thibet. 12. Protection given by the King to the Author, who in his turn assists him and the Prime Minister in time of Peril.13. The first Book written by the Author in the Thibettan Language is solemnly presented to the King in a public Audience14. Describes the Contents of the Thibettan Books and the Errors of the Thibettan people15. Dealing with other Books written by the Author in the Thibettan Language16. An Account of the Mission founded in Thibet by the Society of Jesus, from the Beginning until the Author left ThibetVolume 21. The Boundaries and Site of Great Thibet2. Climate and Fertility of Thibet3. Of the Musk-deer and other Animals in Thibet4. Of the Rivers in Thibet and of the Boats and Bridges5. Of the Western Part of Thibet and some of its Provinces and Cities6. Of the City of Lhasa, Capital of Thibet, and of its Surroundings7. Of the Country round Lhasa and the Central Provinces of this Thibet8. Of other Central Provinces of Thibet9. How the Kingdom of Thibet fell into the Hands of the Tartars10. Of the revolution which broke out in Thibet, before it was conquered from the Tartars by the Chinese11. Of the tragic End of King Ginghes-Khang and of his Familty12. How the Kingdom of Thibet passed from the Tartars to the Chinese Dominion13. About the civil Government of Thibet14. Describing the Clothes and Food of the Thibettans15. Concerning the Letters and Alphabet of the Thibettan Language, and the Proficiency of the Thibettans in Learning and the Arts16. Of the physical Characteristics of the Thibettans, their Occupations and Games, and how they cultivate the Soil17. Concerning Thibettan Weddings18. How the Thibettans dispose of their DeadVolume 31. Concerning the Grand Lama, Head of the Thibettan Religion2. Reasons why this alleged Incarnation of the Grand Lama must be a work of the Devil (Synopsis)3. Continuation of the Argument as to whether the Deceit mentioned in the last chapter is a Fraud committed by Men and not by the Devil (omitted)4. Containing further Details about the Grand Lama and the other inferior Lamas of Thibet5. About the Thibettan Monks and Nuns, their Monasteries, Convents, Dress, Organization and Habits6. Concerning the various Kinds of Religious Orders in Thibet7. Of the Errors and the Religion of the Thibettans, and an account of the Systems of Metempsychosis, or the Pythagorean Transmigration as explained and believed by them8. Concerning Thibettan Ideas about Animals, certain Beings called Itaa and their conception of Hell9. Relating other Beliefs and Arguments of the Thibettans concerning their System of Metempsychosis10. Of the colossal and principal Error of the Thibettan Sect in denying that there is any Absolute Uncreate Being, or any Primary Cause of Existing Things11. Whether the Thibettans, while denying the Existence of a try God, recognize some fabulous Deity, or are devoid of any Knowledge of a God12. Concerning three Classes of Objects which
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