Interference Detuning Methods Associated with Reflection in Laser Atmospheric Communication Lines

Autor: Ilya S. Porsev, Maxim V. Gusev, Albert A. Dzhurakulov, Evgeniy L. Kuchin, Stepan V. Artyshchenko
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus).
DOI: 10.1109/eiconrus.2019.8657286
Popis: An analysis is made of the properties of the interfering signal in the atmospheric laser communication line due to the reflection of the transmitted signal by the receiving and transmitting devices of subscribers, depending on the basic characteristics of the transceiver systems and the communication conditions. The principles of the formation of such interference are considered and the magnitude of the impaired signal and the possible consequences of the impact of this interference when the communication line operates in a duplex and simplex modes are estimated. Two methods of detuning from interference due to the reflection of the signal by the receiving devices of subscribers are proposed: separation in the receiving and transmitting devices of the subscriber and increasing the offset of the photoreceiver relative to the focal plane. Recommendations on the preference of using each of the proposed methods in different situations of information exchange are given.
Databáze: OpenAIRE