Auxiliary functions for molecular integrals with Slater-type orbitals. II. Gauss transform methods

Autor: J. J. Fernández, Guillermo Ramírez, I. Ema, Jaime Fernández Rico, Rafael López
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 108:25-39
ISSN: 1097-461X
DOI: 10.1002/qua.21409
Popis: The Gauss transform of Slater-type orbitals is used to express several types of molecular integrals involving these functions in terms of simple auxiliary functions. After reviewing this transform and the way it can be combined with the shift operator technique, a master formula for overlap integrals is derived and used to obtain multipolar moments associated to fragments of two-center distributions and overlaps of derivatives of Slater functions. Moreover, it is proved that integrals involving two-center distributions and irregular harmonics placed at arbitrary points (which determine the electrostatic potential, field and field gradient, as well as higher order derivatives of the potential) can be expressed in terms of auxiliary functions of the same type as those appearing in the overlap. The recurrence relations and series expansions of these functions are thoroughly studied, and algorithms for their calculation are presented. The usefulness and efficiency of this procedure are tested by developing two independent codes: one for the derivatives of the overlap integrals with respect to the centers of the functions, and another for derivatives of the potential (electrostatic field, field gradient, and so forth) at arbitrary points. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem, 2008
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