Autor: Muhammad Sulaiman Saeed, Afra Samad, Muhammad Usama, Rana Khalid Mahmood, Munawar Hussain Shah, Muhammad Abubakre Khalid
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: The Professional Medical Journal. 25:90-95
ISSN: 2071-7733
Popis: Objectives: The purpose of this study was to reveal the effects of sodiumtungstate (ST) on kidneys of diabetic rabbits. Study Design: Rabbits of 30 weeks age weretaken and divided into three groups A, B and C. Each group contained 10 animals. Group A wasselected as control group. Diabetes was induced in groups B and C by injecting streptozotocin(50mg/mL) intraperitoneally. Group C was treated with sodium tungstate orally and group B wasleft untreated. Histology of the kidney was examined in all of these groups using Hematoxylin& Eosin (H & E), Reticulin and Trichrome stains. Blood glucose estimations of all animalswere performed every third day. Blood glucose levels of diabetic rabbits treated with sodiumtungstate were checked before and after treatment. Results were statistically analyzed usingstudents t-test. Place of Work: Post graduate medical institute Lahore. Duration of study:July 2010 to August 2011. Results: Treatment of diabetic rabbits with sodium tungstate (GroupC) lead to lowering of blood glucose levels as compared to untreated diabetic rabbits (GroupB). Microscopic features of kidneys in groups B and C did not reveal any pathological andmorphological changes in comparison with control group A. Conclusion: Sodium tungstate isa good anti-diabetic agent when administered orally and causes no morphological changes inkidneys.
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