Imagerie radiologique et TEP scanner dans les cancers ORL

Autor: C. Maunoury, P. Halimi
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Journal de Radiologie. 89:403-412
ISSN: 0221-0363
Popis: Imaging and PET-CT of Head and Neck Cancers • PET/CT is essentialbefore extensive and mutilating surgery to exclude metastases. • PET/CT is mandatory to assess the efficienty of concurrentcytoreductive chemoradiotherapy for organ preservation treatment. • PET/CT is required for surgical follow-up to detectlocal recurrences, metastases or metachronous lesions. • PET/CT is useful to identify the primary lesion inpatients with metastases from unknown primary site. • PET/CT is useful to assess metabolic tumoral volumes,especially nodes, before radiotherapy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE