Vaping and Edibles: Self-Reported Usage Patterns Among Teens In and Out of Treatment

Autor: Scarlett L. Baker, Nelson J. Tiburcio
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Social Behavior Research and Practice – Open Journal. 5:35-42
ISSN: 2474-8927
Popis: Objective This article examines one key aspect of the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI) Institute’s forthcoming third iteration of the Adolescent Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI-A3). Overall project aims were to revise the second version of the adolescent SASSI (SASSI-A2), and to update new symptom-related identifiers of substance use disorders in adolescents according to the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) guidelines. Methods We added new questions regarding cannabidiol (CBD) edible consumption and the extent of vaping to review and subsequently address these dangers in teens. Identifying these patterns will inevitably direct the course of subsequent clinical interviews and treatment planning. Early intervention is a critical component towards preventing possible negative outcomes for substance misusing teens. Results This aspect of the research demonstrated a connection between a higher acknowledged usage pattern of teens in treatment versus teens not in treatment. Correlations between beliefs associated with marijuana legalization, marijuana usage by family and friends, tobacco use, connection between age at first use, and the onset of regular usage patterns were also shown to be significantly higher among teens in treatment. Conclusions Teens that begin using alcohol, drugs, and tobacco early in adolescence are more likely to engage in vaping and edible usage. They are also more likely to use at a more frequent rate. In addition, teens who are surrounded by family and friends who engage in marijuana use are more likely to be supportive of its recreational use and legalization. This acknowledged information on the SASSI-A3 can help direct treatment planning early in the counseling relationship and provide a gateway for bringing family in the treatment and education process.
Databáze: OpenAIRE