Autor: Edward R. Maloney
Rok vydání: 1925
Zdroj: Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology. 12:657
ISSN: 0096-6029
Popis: In 1914, Pels 1 published an article recording a case of an eruption made up of minute, shiny papules, in a marked way resembling those of lichen nitidus, to which he applied the term "miliary lichen planus." The lesions so closely resembled those of lichen nitidus that it was difficult to differentiate between this condition and lichen planus. Case 1.— The patient was a fairly well nourished white man, aged 50, with a negative family and personal history. When first seen by Dr. Pels at the Johns Hopkins Hospital dispensary, he presented an eruption which was distributed practically over the entire body, appearing more profusely in certain regions, especially about the knees, wrists, forearms, external aspects of the elbows, anal region, buttocks and around the ankles. More widely scattered lesions were present on the neck, chest, back, abdomen, arms, thighs, scrotum and penis (shaft and glands). The eruption consisted of
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