Radiological survey of the inactive uranium-mill tailings at Slick Rock, Colorado

Autor: F.F. Haywood, P.T. Perdue, B.S. Ellis, K.D. Chou
Rok vydání: 1980
Popis: Results of a radiological survey of two inactive mill sites near Slick Rock, Colorado, in April 1976 are presented. One mill, referred to in this report as North Continent (NC), was operated primarily for recovery of radium and vanadium and, only briefly, uranium. The Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) mill produced a uranium concentrate for processing elsewhere and, although low-level contamination with /sup 226/Ra was widespread at this site, the concentration of this nuclide in tailings was much lower than at the NC site. The latter site also has an area with a high above-ground gamma dose rate (2700 and a high-surface /sup 226/Ra concentration (5800 pCi/g). This area, which is believed to have been a liquid disposal location during plant operations, is contained within a fence. A solid disposal area outside the present fence contains miscellaneous contaminated debris. The estimated concentration of /sup 226/Ra as a function of depth, based on gamma hole-logging data, is presented for 27 holes drilled at the two sites.
Databáze: OpenAIRE