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The GIESim project was a simulation development program to define, design and implement a Modeling and Simulation (M&S) framework for the Global Information Enterprise (GIE). Within the GIESim framework users will be able to execute, via a common interface, multiple communications and network M&S tools to most effectively and efficiently analyze candidate communications architectures and technologies. GIESim can interface with other M&S tools (e.g., force-level simulations and detailed hardware system models) to provide the appropriate level of M&S fidelity and processing speed for the broad spectrum of M&S tasks. The GIESim user base will span from advanced technology researchers to communications network architects to mission planners. In FY04, the GIESim capabilities were merged into the Joint Semi-Automated Forces (JSAF) simulation in AFRL Rome in conjunction with the JSB-RD team. The central theme for the FY04 GIESim/JSB-RD merger was to add communications modeling capabilities to JSAF by interfacing GIESim communication modeling capabilities for faster and easier design, development and execution of GIESim simulations. This work resulted in the successful merger of GIESim/JSB-RD software, and the team can now demonstrate the addition of JTIDS tactical communications to JSAF using a modified version of the JTIDS simulation built by PSI. With the advent of this merger, JSAF now has tactical communications to support critical Network Centric Operations (NCO) and Warfare (NOW) needed for the future evolution of the Joint Enterprise including the AF C2 Constellation Net, Army/USMC LandWarNet, and the Navy/USMC FORCENet. |