Mechanism of sweep event attenuation using micro-cavities in a turbulent boundary layer

Autor: Rey Chin, Anthony C. Zander, Anton Silvestri, Benjamin S. Cazzolato, Farzin Ghanadi, Maziar Arjomandi
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Physics of Fluids. 30:055108
ISSN: 1089-7666
Popis: Cavity arrays have been identified as a potential passive device to disrupt and capture sweep events, which are responsible for the excess Reynolds stresses in the boundary layer. In the present study, the mechanism of the attenuation of captured sweep events has been analyzed, as well as the non-linear relationship between the volume of the backing cavity and the reduction in sweep intensity. The influence of cavity array on the turbulent boundary layer has been analyzed, with a total of six different backing cavity arrangements with varying volumes. Three of the backing cavities have been used to determine the non-linear relationship between the effectiveness of the cavity array in reducing sweep intensity and the volume of the backing cavity. The other three have been used to determine the mechanism by which the arrays manipulate the captured sweep events. The pre-multiplied energy spectra of multiple velocity histories were significantly reduced, by up to 12.5%, in the low and mid-range wavelength values (λx+
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