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“Working with Photographs: Seeing, Looking, and Visual Representation as Professional Learning” by Claudia Mitchell, Katie MacEntee, Mary Cullinan, and Patti Allison, focuses on the use of photography in memory-work in teachers’ professional learning, drawing on exemplars produced by three teacher-researchers. Katie MacEntee worked with preservice teachers at a South African university using photo elicitation. The teachers look back on what they learned in a project on sexuality education using the arts. Mary Cullinan, studying at a Canadian university, also used a type of photo elicitation but in so doing “co-constructed” with her participants, all late entry women reflecting on coming into doctoral study, the meanings of these experiences. Patti Allison, also at a Canadian university, engaged in the process of curating a photo album based on family photographs and in so doing engaged in a decolonising process. In looking across the three mosaic pieces, we get a sense of the ways in these methods offer what could be termed as deeply “emotive” work. |