Формирование потребности у обучающихся в здоровьесбережении посредством спортивно-оздоровительного туризма

Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.24411/2500-0365-2019-14421
Popis: Рассмотрена проблема формирования у обучающихся общеобразовательных организаций потребности в здоровьесбережении. Предлагается решение данной проблемы через реализацию средств спортивно-оздоровительного туризма. Исследование позволило теоретически обосновать и экспериментальным путём доказать эффективность средств спортивно-оздоровительного туризма в процессе формирования у обучающихся потребности в здоровьесбережении.
The problem of the formation of the need for health preservation in students of general educational organizations is considered. A solution to this problem is proposed through the implementation of sports and health tourism. The study allowed to theoretically substantiate and experimentally prove the effectiveness of means of sports and health tourism in the process of forming at schoolchildren need for health protection. Research methods: theoretical-methodological and empirical (testing (according to S. Solovyov); questioning (according to E. D. Khlestova); questioning (according to E. B. Chernikovyoi), methods of mathematical statistical processing of research results. Respondents: students 5 classes of the city of Orenburg. Experimentally proved the effectiveness of sports and health tourism. It was revealed that their introduction into pedagogical practice will increase the level of formation of knowledge among respondents in the field of sports tourism and health, the level of formation of cognitive interest and value-related attitude to health. It was established that only with a systematic, purposeful approach it is possible to create optimal conditions for the development and effective functioning of the system of sports and health tourism, ensuring the formation of the need for health protection.
Databáze: OpenAIRE