Unveiling the Profile of Tourists in Islands with Protected Areas to Promote Sustainable Tourism

Autor: Aristotelis Martinis, Charicleia Minotou, G. Karris, Katerina Kabassi
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Smart Tourism as a Driver for Culture and Sustainability ISBN: 9783030039097
Popis: This research aims to understand the profile and the type of tourists that visit islands with protected areas such as national parks or Natura 2000 areas. For this reason a study was implemented in Zakynthos Island during the summer 2013. The questionnaire-based survey involved 2981 participants and the results revealed the tourists’ profile, their social-demographic characteristics, their environmental awareness and the degree of their recreational satisfaction. The results of this survey could help local authorities to understand the perceptions of tourists. Visitors’ profile and preferences analysis is crucial for the compilation of a strategic plan, as well as for the implementation of an adapted environmental policy. The design of a model for the sustainable development of the island by integrating the environment and the awareness of tourists and of the local communities would be the next goal.
Databáze: OpenAIRE