Assessment of the radiological impact of the inactive uranium-mill tailings at Mexican Hat, Utah

Autor: F.F. Haywood, W.A. Goldsmith, W.F. Fox, B.S. Ellis, H.M. Hubbard, W.H. Shinpaugh
Rok vydání: 1980
Popis: High surface soil concentrations of /sup 226/Ra and high above-ground measurements of gamma-ray intensity in the vicinity of the inactive uranium-mill tailings at Mexican Hat show both wind and water erosion of the tailings. The former mill area, occupied by a trade school at the time of this survey, shows a comparatively high level of contamination, probably from unprocessed ore on the surface of the ore storage area near the location of the former mill buildings. However, the estimated health effect of exposure to gamma rays during a 2000-hr work year in the area represents an increase of 0.1% in the risk of death from cancer. Exposure of less than 600 persons within 1.6 km of the tailings to radon daughters results in an estimated 0.2%/year increase in risk of lung cancer.
Databáze: OpenAIRE