Making Training More Effective with Shared VR: Lanes Group Plc Improves Employee Retention and Reduces the Costs of Recruitment and Training

Autor: James Brewer, Jessica Davey
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Management for Professionals ISBN: 9783030727802
Popis: Lanes Group plc uses an immersive projection cylinder as a collaborative way of engaging with virtual reality content. The cylinder, provided by Igloo Vision, is part of a wider programme of learning and development (L&D) and health and safety (H&S) initiatives. Overall, the aim was to reinforce the company’s commitment to H&S, fast-track the induction of new recruits, and improve employee retention. In combination, the initiatives led to: a 57% reduction in employee attrition, a 9% reduction in employee feelings of unhappiness, and a £1 million reduction in recruitment and training costs. It therefore provides a good example of the efficacy of immersive content for training and development.
Databáze: OpenAIRE