An oxygen flow calorimeter for kilogram-size samples of municipal solid waste Part II. Trial combustions of kilogram-size samples

Autor: M.L. Reilly, R.V. Ryan, K.L. Churney, A.E. Ledford, Eugene S. Domalski
Rok vydání: 1982
Zdroj: Resources and Conservation. 8:159-165
ISSN: 0166-3097
Popis: A new calorimeter is being developed at the National Bureau of Standards to determine the enthalpies of combustion of kilogram-size samples of municipal solid waste (MSW) in flowing oxygen near atmospheric pressure. Experiments were carried out to develop a prototype combustor in which pellets of relatively unprocessed MSW can be rapidly and completely burned with minimal scattering of ash. Pellets of up to 2.2 kg mass with ash contents between 20 and 35% have been successfully burned at a rate of 15 minutes per kilogram initial mass with CO CO 2 ratios not greater than 0.1%.
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