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Coraebus volkovitshi Xu & Kubáň, sp. nov. (Figs 15–17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27) Type locality. Southwestern China, northwestern Yunnan,Yulongxue Shan mts., 20 km southern of Daju, 27°15′34.3″N 100°14′27.5″E, 2480 m a.s.l. Type material. HOLOTYPE: J (NMPC), Southwestern CHINA: Northwestern YUNNAN: ‘ SW China, NW Yunnan, Yulongxue Shan mts., DAJU (20 km S), 27°15′34.3″N 100°14′27.5″E, 2480 m, 28.v.2002 [p] \ Coraebus volkovitshi sp. nov. J H. Xu & V. Kubáň det. 2013 [p, red label] ’. PARATYPES: Northwestern GUANGXI: Tianlin [Leli], Yaojiawan, 1200–1400 m, 2.vi.2002, X.Yang leg.(1♀, HBUM).Northwestern YUNNAN: Habaxue Shan mts., Habashan, 27°20′N 100°09′E, 2800–3150 m, 8.–11.+ 18.–19.vi.2004 (1 ♀, VKCP). Description of the holotype (Fig. 15). Elongate, flattened above and convex below. Length 10.2 mm, width 3.3 mm. Vertex and frons above supra-antennal grooves coppery-red, frons below supra-antennal and clypeal grooves black, pronotum coppery-red, lateral sides with broad black margin, elytra black, ventral side black with metallic lustre. Predominant pubescence of upper surface black. Lower parts of frons and genae with white pubescence. Vertex and pronotum with white pubescence, pronotum with ornamentation as in Fig. 15. Elytra with white and yellow pubescence, the latter forming ornamentation as in Fig. 15. Scutellum asetose. Ventral side with white and yellow pubescence, the latter forming ornamentation as in Fig. 16. Head. Vertex with distinct longitudinal median line. Frons with deep wide longitudinal median impression, each side near eyes with subacuminate tubercle. Supra-antennal grooves wide, open at outer side, carina above supra-antennal grooves connected in the middle, sinuate. Frontoclypeal keel distinct, straight, at the center of antennal grooves. Impression above frontoclypeal keel connected to supra-antennal grooves. Width of clypeus between antennal grooves slightly narrower than their diameter. Antennal grooves large with inner margin elevated and forming keel, outer margin open obliquely downwards. Lower margin of clypeus emarginate, lateral sides expanded to blunt tooth. Sculpture of head formed by punctation and furrows, punctures usually well-separated. Antennae ca 1.15 times longer than pronotal length, serrate from antennomere 4. First three antennomeres subconical, scape and pedicel equal in length, antennomeres 3–11 subequal in length and much shorter than pedicel. Pronotum 1.55 times as wide as long, maximum width near base, anterior margin strongly arcuate medially, lateral sides relatively straight, arcuately narrowed forwards, hind angles almost rectangular, hind margin sinuate, widely and arcuately produced towards scutellum. Base with V-shaped impression connected with large oval impressions at posterior corners. Prelateral carina absent. Sculpture formed by coarse punctation and rasp-like furrows, becoming gradually sparser and shallower at lateral sides and base. Prosternum 2.6 times as wide as long (Fig. 23). Mentonniere distinct, narrow, prosternal process subparallel, sculpture composed of coarse, sparse punctation. Scutellum 2.0 times as wide as long, subtriangular. Surface smooth, shiny. Elytra 2.5 times as long as wide, at humeri wider than base of pronotum. Lateral margins in anterior 1/4 subparallel, then gradually slightly arcuate widening to 2/3 length and then gradually rectilinearly narrowing to apex. Lateroposterior margin serrulate, apex of elytra truncate. Sutural apex with a few denticles and small spine. Posterior outer corner or elytra extended to produce a large and sharp spine. Disc of elytra with distinct longitudinal carina in middle of each elytron; prebasal impression deep, extensive; impression between carina and elevated suture distinct, particulary on apical 3/4 of elytra. Sculpture formed by relatively dense, fine punctation and even, transverse furrows. Legs. Metatibia in distal half of outer margin sinuate and setose, inner margin with denticles on distal half (Fig. 19). Abdomen (Fig. 16). Hind margin of ventrite 5 evenly rounded, with indistinct median denticle (Fig. 25). Aedeagus as in Fig. 21. Sexual dimorphism. Female (Fig. 17). Length 10.9–11.2 mm, width 3.8–4.0 mm. Antenna 1.05 times as long as pronotum. Pronotum 1.63 times as wide as long. Elytra 2.36 times as long as wide. Metatibiae in distal 1/2 of outer margin even and setose, inner margin without denticles. Hind margin of ventrite 5 weakly rounded, smooth (Fig. 27). Variability. No variability was observed except in size. Length 10.2–11.2 mm, width 3.3–4.0 mm. Differential diagnosis. See Table 2. Etymology. Named in honor of our friend and collegue Mark G. Volkovitsh (Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia), well known specialist in the taxonomy of Buprestidae. Distribution. China (Guangxi, Yunnan). |