Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Micromobility Transportation

Autor: Aryan Hosseinzadeh, Robert Kluger
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: International Conference on Transportation and Development 2021.
Popis: The COVID-19 pandemic has had tremendous social and economic impacts throughout the world. Many cities around the world adopted different lockdown policies impacting how people travel. Micromobility systems, such as scooter sharing and bikeshare, were among the transportation systems impacted by COVID-19. E-Scooters and bikeshares provide convenient and quick rides for short distances and can act as a connection for first/last mile trips, but the shared nature of those modes, along with a lack of understanding of how COVID-19 spread, likely contributed to the decline. This study quantifies the impact of COVID-19 on scooter sharing and bikeshares in Louisville, Kentucky, through a descriptive analysis and discussed the findings. © ASCE
Databáze: OpenAIRE