High resolution slice to volume alignment of 2D histopathology to 3D optical coherence tomography (OCT) images

Autor: Anh N. Diep, Jacqueline Yu, Saba Shevidi, Warren H. Chan, Yonatan Winetraub, Maiya Mao, Edwin Yuan, Erick Blankenberg, Megan Hong, H. Do, Adam de la Zerda, Steven Chu, Kerri E. Rieger, Caroline Yu, Vivian Hua, Ziv Lautman, Sumaira Z. Aasi, Itamar Terem, Kavita Y. Sarin
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Optical Biopsy XIX: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis.
Popis: We introduce a novel technique, “optical barcoding”, which enables us to repeatedly extract the 2D OCT slice from a 3D OCT volume that corresponds to a given H and E tissue section, with high alignment precision of 25 microns. Our method is based on marking a specific geometric pattern that is preserved through the standard histological process and encodes all orientation, position and scaling information about how the section was cut. We demonstrate the robustness of our novel technique by collecting hundreds of high-quality OCT-H and E image pairs from more than 30 different human skin samples that were collected during Mohs surgery.
Databáze: OpenAIRE