The Syntax of Assertion and Presupposition

Autor: Kajsa Djärv
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Semantics and Linguistic Theory. 29:392
ISSN: 2163-5951
DOI: 10.3765/salt.v29i0.4626
Popis: This paper addresses the question of how assertion and presuppositionare reflected in the grammar. Since Kiparsky & Kiparsky (1970) and Hooper &Thompson (1973), it’s often been suggested that these notions provide the semanticpragmaticunderpinning for a range of complementation patterns, including thelicensing of so-called Main Clause Phenomena [MCP]. This paper presents a newlarge-scale experimental study, investigating the lexical and semantic-pragmaticlicensing conditions of four types of MCP (Verb Second [V2], topicalization, speechact adverbs, and scene setting adverbs) in English, Swedish, and German. Thecentral contribution of this paper is demonstrating what precise dimensions ofassertion and presupposition are reflected in the grammar: for embedded V2, whatmatters is the discourse status of the embedded proposition as new vs. Given (inthe sense of Schwarzschild 1999); a dimension which cross-cuts both factive andnon-factive verbs. The other MCP investigated show no sensitivity to either of thelexical or pragmatic factors investigated. We further show that Givenness is notreflected in a (null) DP-layer, contrary to previous claims.
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