Main Factors of the Features of the Formation of Housing Construction of South Kyrgyz

Autor: N. Marazykov, M. Sadykova
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Bulletin of Science and Practice. 7:398-404
ISSN: 2414-2948
Popis: During the years of independence of the Kyrgyz Republic, great importance is attached to the issue of reviving and studying the rich spiritual and historical heritage and cultural traditions of the Kyrgyz people. The return to spiritual values should be considered as “an organic, natural process of growing national consciousness, returning to the spiritual origins of the people, its roots”. In this respect, it seems essential activity of national ethnological and ethnological Sciences, which at the present stage, is to study ethnic peculiarities of the peoples of Kyrgyzstan, their customs, rituals, and traditions of material and spiritual culture on the basis of the whole complex of sources using the latest methodological approaches.
Databáze: OpenAIRE