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espanolEn el presente trabajo se abordaran las dificultades de traduccion de textos en los que hay tematica agroalimentaria y turistica, especificamente aquellos pertenecientes a la conocida fiesta de la cerveza alemana, el Oktoberfest. Se tratara el caso particular de la traduccion aleman-espanol de este tipo de textos por parte de nativos cuya lengua materna es el chino. De este modo, se establecera la utilidad de usar el chino como lengua “puente” para la correcta traduccion del texto al espanol. Para ello, a partir de tres textos seleccionados, se comentaran las principales dificultades de traduccion, asi como la propuesta de traduccion. Acompana al analisis un glosario trilingue aleman-espanol-chino, basado en la traduccion a ambas lenguas, el chino y el espanol, de los textos originales en aleman. EnglishThis paper addressed the difficulties of translation in terms of agro-food and tourism, especially for those agro-food in Oktoberfest which is the famous Germany beer festival. The particular case of the German-Spanish translation in such texts by speakers whose mother tongue are Chinese will be treated. Therefore, regarding Chinese as a “bridge”, is also a good way to correct translation errors between German, Spanish and Chinese and could establish a close relationship between those three languages. This paper discussed the main difficulties of translation and translation proposal through three selected articles. Analysis accompanied a German-Spanish-Chinese trilingual glossary, which is based on the translation of three languages. The original articles are written in German and the target translation languages are Chinese and Spanish. |