Pinton (2022), Gathered solutions from numbers problems

Autor: Pinton, Lorenzo
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.21942/uva.20368389.v1
Popis: Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2022 Student Session Gathered solutions from numerous problems: Anti-monotonicity, restrictiveness, star operators Lorenzo Pinton In this paper we study the different patterns that gather-like and numerous-like predicates present in restrictive relative clauses. Restrictive relative clauses represents a novel case in which the two types of collective predicates differ, alongside the known cases involving proportional quantifiers and non-proportional partitive constructions. The first part of the solution provides an explanation on why numerous is generally bad in restrictive relative clauses. Since numerous is monotonic with respect to the parthood relation of plurals, any attempt of restriction will end up including the maximal element of the complete join semilattice, which is the sum of all the atoms. This results in triviality, since each member of the predicate that should be restricted is part of at least one numerous plural individual. The second part of the solution provides an analysis on why restrictive numerous is fine if it applies to complex predicates like gather students. Exploiting syntactic theories of pluralization, we argue that when the star operator is absent from gather, it can modify a plural predicate without preserving the complete join semilattice and this allows restriction by numerous.
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