К вопросу об организации государственного радиоэкологического мониторинга в лесах, загрязненных радионуклидами

Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.24419/lhi.2304-3083.2020.1.06
Popis: Проанализировано нормативно-правовое обеспечение охраны лесов от загрязнения радиоактивными веществами иорганизации лесохозяйственной деятельности влесах, загрязненных радионуклидами. Рассмотрены возможности совершенствования системы профилактических иреабилитационных мероприятий взонах радиоактивного загрязнения лесов ипрогнозирования динамики радиационной обстановки вних.
Ensuring radiation and fire safety in forests contaminated with radionuclides, restoration of the ecological and socio-economic value of these forestscan be made based oncarrying out aspecial complex of protective measures. Asolutiontothisproblemcanbeachieved only by amending and supplementing the Forest Code of the Russian Federation that will be legalized this kind of activities in the form ofstateradioecological monitoring as the part of state environmental monitoring. Two main componentscan be organizationally highlighted: - radiation surveys of forest fundin order to determine and (or) clarify areas of radiation contamination of territories and to establish the appropriate regime of forestry activities - radioecological monitoring at forest stationary sitestracking dynamics of specific activity of radionuclides within forest ecosystemsto predict the dynamics of the radiation situation in forests. In the process of forestry activitieshave aplace to be two independent eventsin the field of forest and forest productsfrom radioactive contamination: - radiation control of radionuclide content in forest resources in the forest areas allocated for economic usein order to compare actual performancewith standard indicatorsand to determine the possibility of obtaining regulatory clean products - radiation control of non-timber forest products and wild forest food resources in order to compare actual performancewith standard indicatorsfor obtaining standard-net products of secondary use. In order to improve the regulatory framework for the implementation of preventive and rehabilitation measures, it seems appropriate to secure at the legislative level the status of the radiation monitoring service in the forests of the Russian Federation to radiological laboratories subordinated to the Federal Agency for Forestry. Radioecology researchprovide accurate and relevant informationto improve the methodological support of workon production monitoring anddevelop scientifically based recommendations on the regime of forestry in that forests. The implementation of aset of measures for the state radio-ecological monitoring of forests will be areliable basis for ensuring the radiation safety of forestry workers and the public, and obtaining regulatory forest products in forests contaminated with radionuclides.
№1 (2020)
Databáze: OpenAIRE