Computer-Aided Laser Projection System for Flexible Manufacturing

Autor: Svetozar Ilchev, Ekaterina Otsetova-Dudin, Zlatoliliya Ilcheva, Rumen Andreev
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Systems
DOI: 10.1109/is48319.2020.9199938
Popis: In this paper, a computer-aided laser projection system is proposed to increase the flexibility and productivity of human workers in contemporary manufacturing processes. The system uses the available CAD data as input to project accurately drawings, assembly instructions or quality control data directly on the processed parts or on a suitable surface at the workplace of the human worker. The laser projection system is especially useful when multiple product variants are in production simultaneously and human workers that supervise the production must be updated quickly, accurately and conveniently about the dimensions, materials, color, assembly operations or quality control of the specific part they need to handle at a given moment.
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