Prehistoric Settlement Patterns and Optimal Maize Field Location in the Mt. Trumbull Region NW Arizona USA

Autor: Donald E. Sabol, Paul E. Buck
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences ISBN: 9783642368790
Popis: Optimal maize field locations possibly used by prehistoric agriculturalists ~A.D. 1100 in Mt. Trumbull area of northwest Arizona were modeled using remotely sensed data and ground based observations. Models were created by developing GIS “layers” using radiant surface temperature from satellite (ASTER, the Advanced Spacebourne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer), digital orthophoto quad data, 10 m DEM data, and NRCS soil maps. Near surface air temperature and soil moisture were collected on the ground. Two distinct crop/habitation models are constructed: a “restrictive” model and a “fuzzy logic” model. The proximity of the optimal field locations is compared with the distribution of archaeological sites, specifically investigating whether one or two room structures with sparse artifact scatters (so called “field houses”) are indeed preferentially associated with optimal field locations as some have suggested. Results indicate that “field houses” are not preferentially associated with the most optimal field locations. Rather the larger habitations sites consisting of multi-room or larger C shaped habitations are significantly more likely to be found within 200 m of an optimal field location. Common “field houses” may in fact have served other purposes, or could reflect more intensive use of sub-optimal locations later in the prehistoric sequence nearer the eventual abandonment of the area in late Pueblo II or early Pueblo III times. Better chronological control of occupations of all these sites will be useful in explaining this pattern.
Databáze: OpenAIRE