Stability of system against aggregation in coking a compounded feedstock

Autor: Kh. Mimun, N. P. Zaitseva, E. V. Smidovich
Rok vydání: 1983
Zdroj: Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 19:463-466
ISSN: 1573-8310
Popis: This article examines a vacuum resid from West Siberian crude and a 250/sup 0/C+ fraction of pyrolysis tar. The pyrolysis tar consists of heavy aromatic hydrocarbons and asphaltenes in approximately equal amounts of 46-48%. The vacuum resid is a conventional straight-run feedstock with a predominance of light and medium aromatic hydrocarbons (37.6%) and a moderate content of asphaltenes (10.2%). The vacuum resid and the pyrolysis tar were subjected to coking in a laboratory still, being coked separately and also in blends with a paraffin wax having a density of 739 kg/m/sup 3/ at 68/sup 0/C, melting point of 54/sup 0/C, and molecular weight of 356. The stability factor was determined for each blend. It is concluded that paraffin wax, like highly aromatic additives, when it is blended with residual stocks with low contents of paraffinic/naphthenic hydrocarbons or none of these hydrocarbons at all (such stocks have a low stability factor), may increase the stability of these residual stocks against phase separation to a significant degree.
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