Assessment of ambient air quality of Purulia town, Purulia Biolife 2013;1(4); 189-194District, West Bengal, India (full paper:pdf)

Autor: Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay, Ratul Mukherjee
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7193304
Popis: This paper presents data on the concentration of air pollutants at different places of a newly developed industrial estate in a highly growing city of State of West Bengal, India. The ambient air quality assessment was carried out at four different locations with respect to SO2, NOx, Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) and Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM), and monthly air sampling was carried out for a period 24 hours (3 x 8 hours) at each of the site. It is revealed that even the average concentrations of SPM, NOx, and SO2 were in highest level in all sampling sites as observed during winter followed by summer and the rainy season. It is also observed that out of four sampling sites, concentration of all parameters was highest at Bongabari and the minimum value was at South Lake Road, during winter References Anandhan. P, Ramanathan , Chidambaram S, Manivannan R, Ganesh N, Srinivasamoorthy K . (2000). A study on the seasonal variation in the geochemistry of the ground waters in and around Neyveli region, Tamilnadu. In: Proceedings of International seminar on applied hydro geochemistry, Annamalai University, pp 86-105. Barnett, A.G., G.M. Williams, J. Schwartz, A.H. Nekker, T.L. Best and A.L. Petriescgevsjt. (2005). Air pollution and child respiratory health: A case crossover study in Australia and New Zealand. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med., 171, pp 1272 – 1278. Caselles, J., C. Colliga and P. Zornoza . (2002). Evaluation of trace elements pollution from vehicle emissions in Petunia plants. Water Air Soil Pollut., pp 136, 1-9. Chaulya, S. K. 2004. Spatial and temporal variations of SPM, RPM, SO2 and NOx concentrations in an opencast coal mine area. J. Environ. Monit. 6, pp134 -142 Chen, L.H., S.F. Knutsen, D. Shavlik, W.L. Beeson, F. Peterson and M. Ghamsary . (2005). The association between fatal coronary heart disease and ambient particulate air pollution: Are females at greater risk? Environ. Hlth. Persp., 113, pp 723-1729. Curtis, L., W. Rea, P. Smith-Willis, E. Fenyves and Y. Pan. (2006). Adverse health effects of outdoor air pollutants. Environ. Intern., 32, pp 815-830. Dockery, D.W., C.A. Pope, X. Xu, J.D. Spengler, J.H. Ware, M.E. Fay, B. G. Ferris and F.E. Speizer. (1993). An association between air pollution and mortality in six US cities. New Eng. J. Med., 329, pp 1753-1759. Dockery, D.W., H. Luttnabb-Gibson, D.Q. Rich, M.L. Link, M.A. Mittleman, D.R. Gold. (2005). Association of air pollution with increased incidence of ventricular tachyarrythmias recorded by impanted cardioverter defibrillators. Environ. Hlth. Persp., 113, pp 670-674. Gupta, M.C., Ghose, A.K. M. (1986). The effect of coal smoke pollutants on the leaf epidermal architecture in Solanum molengena variety pusa purble long. Joural of Environment Pollution, 41, pp 3153. Jayaraman, G.N. (2007). Air quality and respiratory health in Delhi. Environ. Monit. Assess DOI 10.1007/s 10661-007-9651-0.
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