Calculation of Vertical Deformations of Composite Bending Wooden Structures with Non-linear Behavior of Shear Bonds

Autor: I. N. Bardin, D. M. Lyapin, V. V. Sopilov, E. V. Popov
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering ISBN: 9783030751814
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-75182-1_15
Popis: The mathematical model presented in this research allows for the calculation of composite elements with nonlinearly compliant shear bonds by deformations by the step method. The article presents an algorithm based on the theory of calculation of composite bars by A.R. Rzhanitsyn, with specification of the stiffness of shear bonds at each calculation step for each bond depending on the magnitude of the shear force. Using the system of equations, arbitrary expressions are determined that describe the distribution of shear forces at the boundaries of sections, the length of which is taken to be equal to the distance between discrete shear bonds. The system of differential equations of the 2nd order allows one to determine the shear forces in the bonds and the vertical displacements of the beam at each step of loading. The article presents the results of theoretical studies of vertical displacements of a composite wooden beam, consisting of layers connected by bolts; deformation of bonds occurs according to a nonlinear law. To compare the results, a linear calculation was performed with constant values of the stiffness coefficients of the shear bonds. The results show that failure to consider the actual nature of the deformation of the bonds can introduce a significant error in assessing the deformability of composite beams on mechanical bonds.
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