Comparative lysozyme analysis in carp fishes (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes)

Autor: T. A. Subbotkina, M. F. Subbotkin, Vo Thi Ha
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.24411/0320-3557-2018-10018
Popis: Eleven species of the family Cyprinidae inhabiting waters in temperate latitudes and tropics were studied on the basis of the lysozyme analysis. Cyprinidae are characterized by low and very low content of lysozyme in the liver, kidneys, and spleen compared to fish of other groups. Lysozyme is not detected in the serum of some carps. Fish cultivated in the tropics do not differ in the enzyme content from fish in temperate latitudes. The related species with the lowest lysozyme content and the species lacking lysozyme in serum were found in different climatic zones. The pattern of the enzyme distribution in the studied organs and tissues of some cyprinid is as follows: kidneys > spleen > liver > serum. Such distribution is also observed in fish from other phylogenetic groups, but it is not the rule for all species. The study demonstrates that cyprinid species in various climatic zones are more similar in the lysozyme level compared to intraspecific differences of common carp Cyprinus carpio and Indian major carp Labeo rohita in experiences of other authors.
Databáze: OpenAIRE