Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, etc. IE TCD MS 631

Autor: Eraclius, Lambarde, William, 1536-1601, Hugo, of Santalla, active 1141-1145, Dee, John, 1527-1608
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.48495/vt150s16z
Popis: [1] IE TCD MS 631, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, etc., is a composite manuscript consisting of four parts that were produced separately in England, written between the late 16th and early 17th centuries. The first part (folios 1-21, images 001-050) contains a copy of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. The second part (folios 22-90, images 051-188) contains a collection of scientific and astrological texts. The third part (folios 91-100, images 189-208) contains a letter from John Dee to William Camden. The fourth part (folios 101-117, images 209-242) contains an anonymous anti-Catholic tract in English. Layout: single column, c20-34 lines. [2] Part 1, Folios 1-21: (1) A copy dated 1563-1564 of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (G-text) from the beginning to AD 1002, transcribed from London, British Library, Cotton MS Otho B XI by William Lambarde: Er cristis geflescnesse sixti ?intra gaius iulius se casere - ��ingode ond hie namon fri��. 21v left blank, and followed by unfoliated blank bifolium. The text of the Cotton manuscript chronicle was printed in A. Wheelock (ed.), 'Historiae ecclesiasticae gentis Anglorum libri V' of Bede the Venerable (Cambridge, 1644) 503-62, but all except three leaves were destroyed in the Ashburnham House fire of October 1731, so this transcript by Lambarde is a significant source for research. [3] Part 2, Folios 22-90: Folio 22: (2) List of Roman consulships: C. Iulius C.F.C.N. C��sar. / M. Calpurnius Biblius [two lines bracketed] - C. Iulius C.F.C.N. C��sar. V.I.P. Cornelius Dolabella / M. Antonius M.F.M.N. [two lines bracketed]. Folio 22v: (3)-(6) Geomantic figures with Latin names and descriptions for use in divination: 'In geomantia sunt 254 questiones'. Figures presented in four groupings, labelled as follows: (3) Octo figure bonae; (4) Octo male inferiores; (5) figure exeuntes; (6) Intrantes. Folios 23-27: (7) Excerpts relating to the preparation of pigments, in three parts: (a) 23-24: Heraclius (attributed), De coloribus et artibus Romanorum (Book 1, chapters 2-7) in verse: Flores in uarios qui uult mutare colores - facies ursi cum dente fricari. Excerpt begins with title, 'Clauicula Mappae / De fluribus ad scribendum' (H. Roosen-Runge (ed.), 'Farbgebung und Technik fru��hmittelalterlicher Buchmalerei: Studien zu den Traktaten 'Mappae Clavicula' und 'Heraclius'' (Munich, 1967); M.P. Merrifield (ed.), 'Original Treatises Dating from the XIIth to XVIIIth Centuries on the Arts of Painting' 1, (London, 1849), 185-191; L. Thorndike and P. Kibre, 'A Catalogue of Incipits of Mediaeval Scientific Writings in Latin', second edition, Mediaeval Academy of America, (Cambridge, MA, 1963), 566). (b) 24-26v: Heraclius (attributed), De coloribus et artibus Romanorum (Book 2 onwards) in prose: Rogatus a te, frater A., de hedera dicam - De azure. Accipe uas uitreum' retrahe eum. Excerpt begins with title, 'De colore qui et auripigmento similis' (J.C. Richards, 'A New Manuscript of Heraclius', in 'Speculum', 15, no. 3 (1940), 255-371: 263-267; Merrifield, o.c., 199). (c) 26v-27: Mappae clavicula (excerpt of opening text), in prose: Si uis facere uermiculum, accipe ampullum uitream - De minio albo et rubro. Sic fac minium album et rubrum. Accipe plumbeas tabulas - refrigeratum sit dimitte. Explicit expliceat, ludere scriptor eat. Added by scribe: Cornu combure et quod ex eo adustum fuerit - colorem auri habebit (T. Phillipps, 'Letter from Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart., F.R.S., F.S.A., addressed to Albert Way, Esq., Director, communicating a transcript of a MS. Treatise on the preparation of Pigments, and on various processes of the Decorative Arts practised during the Middle Ages, written in the twelfth century, and entitled Mapp�� Clavicula', in 'Archaeologia', 32, issue 1 (1847), 183-244: 187-188; C.S. Smith and J.G. Hawthorne, 'Mappae Clavicula: A Little Key to the World of Medieval Techniques', Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (1974) [occupies whole issue]; L. Thorndike and P. Kibre, 'A Catalogue of Incipits of Mediaeval Scientific Writings in Latin', 1470). Folios 27v-29: (8)-(10) Astrological tables for use in divination: (8) 27v, table of the 28 lunar mansions; (9) and (10) 28r-v, tables of responses headed by lunar mansion. Folios 29v-90v: (11) Hugo of Santalla, Super artem geomantie (C.H. Haskins (ed.), 'Studies in the History of Mediaeval Science', (Cambridge, MA, 1927), 77-79 (prologue text); F.J. Carmody, 'Arabic Astronomical and Astrological Sciences in Latin Translation', (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1956), 172-173; L. Thorndike and P. Kibre, 'A Catalogue of Incipits of Mediaeval Scientific Writings in Latin', 127, 1350). Prologue, 29v-30v: Rerum opifex dominus sine exemplo condidit uniuersa - experimentis usitata. Main text, 30v-90v: Arenam limpidissimam a nemine conculcatam - Additio. Addendus est de questio. Ending imperfect, part of leaf torn away resulting in fragmentary lines and loss of text. [4] Part 3, Folios 91-100: (12) John Dee, Letter to William Camden dated 7 August 1574 (transcripts of this letter now in Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Ashmole 1788 and Dublin, Archbishop Marsh's Library MS Z3.5.24). Heading, 91: Sincerioris philosophiae Gulielmo Camdeno. Main body, 91: Quas ante aliquot iam elapsos dies (humanissime mi Gulielme) - paratissimum et addictissimum inuenies. Valeas itaque: Tuorumque in tuis ad me literis bene uiuas promissorum memor. / Mortlaco Ao 1574. / Augusti 7. Includes autograph signature of John Dee (100). 100v left blank. [5] Part 4, Folios 101-117: Anonymous tract on Catholic Rome as Babylon and England as a holy nation, in English. Heading, 101: To the Christian reader. Main text, 101: Pree reade (christian reader) in the 2 epistle of St Paul to ye Thessalonians 2 cha 3 verse of a generall apostatie or departure from the true faith - behold I come [shortly] and my reward is wth mee to giue to euerie man as his worth shalbee. Finis. Text declaration, 114v: 'christian Rome is Babylon, and her pope professinge christ is Antichrist'. 117v left blank. [6] Script: Hand of William Lambarde emulating English Vernacular minuscule script (Part 1); later 16th-century secretary hand with list of Roman consulships in Italic script (Part 2); secretary hand with headings and annotations in Italic script of John Dee (Part 3); late 16th or early 17th century secretary hand. Corrections and marginalia: Text (1) with added title: 'Cronica Anglo Saxonica ab / ao. Natiuitatis Christi / ad Annum 1002', 1; marginal notes in an Italic hand throughout and pointed hand manicule, 17v; notes by copyist in Old English and Latin: 'William lambarde 1563 / wulfhelm lambheord w��cca�� ��ine leohtf��t' (line 2: William Lambard arise, awake thy lamp), 1; 'finis 9 Aprilis 1564. W. L. propria manu', 21; and note in James Ussher's hand: 'These Annales are extant in Sr Robert Cottons librarye / at the ende of Bedes historye in ye Saxon tongue', 21. Text (12) with marginal notes and corrections in Dee's hand: 'ueritatisque historicae studioso', 91; 'Fidelis Amicus tuus Iohannes Dee', 100. Additional marginalia in a 16th-century Italic hand: 'Locrobrytanus' and other efforts at placenames and 'Cambrobrytanicus Anglus', 100. [7] Collation analysis: Full collation analysis not possible, except for the first part (folios 1-21) where quire signatures present: A (1), B (9), C (17) and D (21). Catchwords also present (6v, 7r-v, 8v, 9r-v, 11v, 12, 13-20v). [8] Decoration and Watermarks: Text (11) features marginal drawings of geomantic figures in coloured inks. Four watermark patterns demonstrate at least four different types of paper used: The first part (1-21) features watermark of royal orb consisting of two lines, resembling WZIS nos. DE5580-Clm720_18 and DE5580-Clm720_31; the blank bifolium (unfoliated, between 21-22) features watermark of Bavarian coat of arms with crowned figure portrait below, resembling Likhachev no. 4197; the second and third parts (22-100) features watermark of jug with flowers surmounted by quatrefoil, resembling Briquet nos. 12660-71; the fourth part (101-117) features watermark of jug surmounted by crescent moon, resembling Briquet no. 12804.
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