A Quality Model Design for Knowledge Management Systems: Unified Quality Perceptive

Autor: P.G. Om Prakash, A. Abdul Rahman
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 2021 Second International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC).
Popis: The ultimate aim of KMS is to gain benefits within a reasonable time limit. There are wide ranges of empirical studies to support that there is a link between KMS quality and the values of the organization. But intended benefits cannot consider as single dimension since benefits of organization dependence on various dimensions. Until and unless the user of KMS is not conceiving the benefits as he/she expected with respect to appropriate dimensions, the quality won't be complete. This paper is to propose the quality model, which include significant quality dimensions and factors such as process, product and people quality. The finding of this research work can be used as road map by researcher, who are interested in KMS effectiveness and quality.
Databáze: OpenAIRE