Thermal effects on bodies in an air stream

Autor: W. F. Hilton
Rok vydání: 1938
Zdroj: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. 168:43-56
ISSN: 2053-9169
Popis: Very little has been published on the mathematical theory of heat transfer between an unheated solid body and the fluid streaming past it, and the only experimental work seems to be that the H. H. Suplee (1909) giving the temperature drop shown by a thermoelectric wire stretching axially along a diverging nozzle. E. Pohlhausen (1921) shows theoretically that the temperature ( T 1 ) taken up by a flat plate placed endwise in an air stream of initial temperature ( T ) should be given by T – T 1 =–⅛ u 2 / c p β (σ), where u is the velocity of the stream outside the boundary layer, c p the specific heat at constant pressure and σ = μ c p / K ( μ and K being the viscosity and thermal conductivity of air, respectively).
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