Показники вільнорадикального окисненняв щурів за умови 'пасивного тютюнокуріння' на тлі тривалого введення глутамату натрію у статевому і віковому аспектах

Autor: Mariya Marushchak, A. V. Rutska, I. Ya. Krynytska
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Medical and Clinical Chemistry.
ISSN: 2414-9934
DOI: 10.11603/mcch.2410-681x.2017.v0.i4.8434
Popis: Introduction. The widespread prevalence of tobacco smoking is a global problem of humanity, the solution of which is directed at the efforts of many scientists and professionals. At the same time, the distinctive feature of modern food technologies is the use of nutritional supplements. One of the most common nutritional supplements in Ukraine and in Europe is glutamate sodium (E621), which is not always safe for human health. The aim of the study – to investigate indices of free radical oxidation in rats during “passive tobacco smoking” on the basis of prolonged administration of monosodium glutamate in the sex and age aspects. Research Methods. The study was conducted on 160 white, non-linear, sexually mature and sexually immature rats of both sexes. Each group of animals was divided into four subgroups: I – control; ІІ – rats, which were modeled “passive tobacco smoking”; ІІІ – rats, which were given glutamate of sodium; IV – rats, which were modeled "passive tobacco smoking" against the background of the introduction of glutamate sodium. Results and Discussion. Under the condition of «passive tobacco smoking» there is a pronounced increase in the TBА-active products (TBА-AP)content both in serum and in the lung tissue homogenate. In male-rats, this indicator has significantly increased by 3.3 and 4.2 times, respectively, and in female-rats – by 3.9 and 5.2 times, respectively. Given the prolonged administration of sodium glutamate in male-rats, this indicator significantly increased by 1.6 and 2.1 times, and in females-rats by 19.6 % and 53.9% respectively. In animals, which were modeled «passive tobacco smoking» and administered glutamate sodium, the most pronounced increase in the content of TBА-AP was established. In male-rats, this indicator has increased significantly in 4.9 and 6.8 times, and in female-rats – by 6.5 and 8.9 times, respectively. Conclusions. Under the condition of «passive tobacco smoking» intensification of peroxide oxidation of lipids (increase in the content of TBА-active products) in blood and lung tissue is observed, more pronounced under the condition of “passive tobacco smoking” against the background of the introduction of glutamate sodium. In the sexual comparison of changes in the system of lipid peroxidation, their reliable prevalence in female-rats was revealed. With the age-old comparison of changes in the system of lipid peroxidation, their reliable prevalence in immature animals has been established.
Databáze: OpenAIRE