Comparison of the Maillard-Derived Aroma Volatiles of Cooked Milled and Brown Rice

Autor: J. Stephen Elmore, Lisa Methven, Donald S. Mottram, Dody D. Handoko
Rok vydání: 2014
Popis: The objective of this research was to compare the volatile aroma compounds and Maillard reaction precursors (free amino acids and sugars) of four cooked rice samples: two milled fragrant rice samples, a milled non-fragrant rice, and a brown non-fragrant rice. Rice was cooked using an electric rice cooker. The cooked brown rice contained more Maillard-derived volatiles and lipid-derived volatiles than the cooked milled rice. Cooking reduced levels of sugars and amino acids, but not consistently. Sucrose was substantially reduced in milled but not brown rice, while losses of amino acids were less and predominantly in milled rice.
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