Image Analysis Method to Count Silver-Stained Candida in Aids Patients' Subgingival Plaques

Autor: Jacob S. Hanker, Hinesh B. Patel, Beverly L. Giammara, Juergen Von Der Heiden
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: MRS Proceedings. 189
ISSN: 1946-4274
DOI: 10.1557/proc-189-371
Popis: Computer-assisted microscopic image analysis of silverstained subgingival plaque smears was shown to be far more dependable and reproducible than subjective scoring or rating by visual inspection to estimate the amounts of Candida 4ibicans(CA) present. High CA counts in subgingival plaques from atypical periodontal diseased sites could suggest that an individual be tested or monitored further for AIDS. This is especially the case if the individual is in a high risk group or if the CA count cannot be ascribed to immunosuppression resulting from diabetes, corticosteroid or broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, cancer chemotherapy or blood transfusion for hemophilia. In many such situations this simple, rapid procedure may be useful in screening for AIDS when serologic procedures for the HIV virus may be equivocal.
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