The Effect of Mobility of Molecules on Radiation-induced Chain Scission and Racemization of iso-Poly(Methyl Methacrylate)

Autor: Yu B, Jiang Bz, Luo Yx, Ding Mx, Hanxi Yang
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica. 9:604-609
ISSN: 1000-6818
Popis: The radiation-induced chain-scission and racemization of isotactic poly(methylmethacrylate)(iso-PMMA) in amorphous and semi-crystalline state as well as in solution have been studied with nuclear magnetic resonance and molar mass deter-mination. It is shown that the chain-scission is dominant for iso-PMMA in dilute solution while the racemization reaction is not favorable in this case. On the contrary, the racemization is favorable when iso-PMMA was irradiated in its crystalline state while chain-scission is not. Such experimental results could be well explained by the mobility of molecules and "cage effect". The hypothesis, we proposed previously that the chain-scission, racemization and recombination are in competition and the final result depends on the state of molecular motion at which iso-PMMA was irradiated, has been verified verified once again.
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