Development and usability of the EasySeating App as a tool for wheelchair and postural support devices prescription (Preprint)

Autor: Adriana Klein, Marcelo Archanjo, Rodrigo Suigh, Roseli de Deus Lopes
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: BACKGROUND EasySeating is a mobile health (mHealth) app which supports the prescription of wheelchair and postural support devices (WPSD). It can be used by occupational therapists (OT) and physiotherapists (PT) who prescribe these devices. The app offers a framework for the prescription procedures, showing images, measurements, and details to guide the practitioner to decide the best equipment for wheelchair users. OBJECTIVE To present the development process and usability of the EasySeating app. METHODS This study was divided into three stages and was carried out as an interactive process with eighty-eight participants (n=88) which provided information for the software development and its usability. In the Stage 1, data was gathered to develop the first prototype, followed by Stage 2 where feedback from experts improved four of the prototypes. Finally, in Stage 3 the usability was tested. Data collection was performed through semi-structured interviews, focus groups and heuristic evaluation. Data analysis was descriptive and qualitative. RESULTS In Stage 1, practitioners reported the lack of a uniform terminology; based on this information we created the first prototype using a range of postural devices reported. In Stage 2, qualitative data was used to improve the app, including images and more options of devices. In Stage 3, the usability test improved the app in the following aspects: smartness, increased dialogue, and feedback with the practitioner. CONCLUSIONS The three stages enabled us to define a uniform terminology; to identify and recommend a framework for prescription, comprising rehabilitation practitioners, technicians, and wheelchair users; to document a method to develop an mHealth which can be reproduced by the international community who have interests in assistive technology assessment using technology: a new trend in an era of the fourth industrial revolution. CLINICALTRIAL
Databáze: OpenAIRE