Implementation Of Company Environmental Policy In Terms Of Succeeding SDGs Program To Improve Public Health

Autor: Yanuar Ramadhan, Teresa Ona Delang, Lydia Indah Permatasari, Agris Haryanto Prakasa, Erick Ferdiawan
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: BIMA Journal (Business, Management, & Accounting Journal). 3:55-62
ISSN: 2721-267X
Popis: Sustainable development is a focus of various countries in the world which is based on the Big Agenda targeted by the World Organization, namely the United Nations. There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals assessment points, Indonesia is one of the 192 countries participating in adopting the SDG and continue to commit to implementing sustainable development programs. SDG become a common task for each community to strengthen mutual cooperation and synergize in an effort to create sustainable business processes that have a positive impact on people and the environment. As an effort of business people in responding to the bad effects of the global phenomenon, which includes the environment, health, and the economy, it is necessary to develop a strategy for the program implementation named sustainable development goals. The business activities of the company activity are expected not to ruin the natural ecosystem or the environment. The study was conducted at PT Meica Indo Teknik company. Two points of SDG to be the basis of discussion in this study are point 3 ” good health and welfare “ and point 15 ”maintain terrestrial ecosystems". The results of the two SDG points implementation that the company has implemented environmentally oriented sustainable development by prioritizing critical aspects, such as people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership. The company keeps to carry out health and welfare programs for the workers and the community around the company. The EHS program (environment, health, and safety) is a form of implementation of the achievement of health, safety, and environmental synergy in the company's business activities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE