Teacher’s And Students Personal Development Needs - Theoretical Perspectives

Autor: Iulia Ramona Herman
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
ISSN: 2357-1330
Popis: The central message of this article is that the process of self-knowledge and personal development are essential for bothteachers and students involved in educational activities.We understand by self-knowledge and personal development the acquisition of skills that include: self-awareness, assertive communication, personal and change management, empathy, relationship and conflict resolution and decision-making. In the present paper we argue that the efficient functioning in the current social-professional environment is facilitated by the self-knowledge capacity and personal development process of each teacher. Teachers need to have a range of life skills that can helpstudents to face the challenges of everyday life. Included in this concept are both current needs and social-emotional maturity. Personal development encourages the stimulation and promotion of emotional intelligence.One of the most important tasks of the teacher is to induce his students the desire to learn throughout their lives. To achieve this, teachers need to demonstrate commitment and enthusiasm for personal development.Through active involvement in their own personal development process, teachers will have the necessary skills to adequately support their pupils development needs. The paper presents also previous studies and research on the personal development of teachers and pupils from other educational systems, the importance of personal development for the teaching profession and conclusions.
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